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Wichita City Council Strengthens Regulations

By Diane McCartney, Wichita Eagle

August 19, 2003 WICHITA, KANSAS -- The City Council voted 6-1 today to approve changes to the animal control code that would limit the length of time people could chain or tie up their dogs.

The new law allows dogs to be tethered for three one-hour periods a day, separated by three hours.

The council also voted to increase requirements for the owners of dogs deemed dangerous under the existing code. Owners will be required to register the dog as daingerous and pay a $100 annual fee; have the dog fitted with a microchip for idnetification; muzzle the dog for transportation, and take out $100,000 in liability insurance.

The only council member opposed to the measure was Paul Gray, who said he has kept a "well-mannered" pit bull tied on a chain at a construction site for years.
